Yesterday one of my neighbours asked me if I had noticed anything in the communal area downstairs. We have a unlocked door where the post boxes are kept, which is basically a very small room before the security door that does lock. I had noticed that it smelt of stale cigarette smoke and there was a wine glass but to be honest that would be pretty easily explainable, but was odd. Turns out she had seen 3 people sleeping there on 2 separate occasions. The first was a man in a sleeping bag with a bike, and the second was a couple. The woman was shaking, bleeding and rocking back and forth and the man appeared to be about to do drugs until my neighbour interrupted them. FREAKY!
The guy sleeping with the bike, didn't concern me too much as he didn't seem to be too much of a threat. But the couple, it was quite creepy and has annoyed and concerned me. Niamh's bedroom is directly above it, and if there are people in there then they are probably waking her up which would explain her run of disturbed nights. But you can hear everything through that baby monitor so I don't know if they are disturbing her because surely we would hear it?
There's not a whole hell of a lot we can do. I phoned my sister and asked her what to do about as she works for the police and she said that its more the management company for the block of flats that we need to contact, and put pressure on them to put the lock on the external door not the internal door. If we see them in there to call the police and they will come and move them on (when they can) it then becomes a higher priority every time we have to call them.
I'm very torn, between feeling sorry for them and being cross. I know how cold it is out there and how horrible it must be to be homeless, and if they don't pose a threat and they weren't going to have a mental alcoholic/drug induced breakdown in my foyer I wouldn't mind. But this couple left stale fag smoke, a wine glass and even blood on the wall, clearly not the most innocent of people, and I would class them as threat. Unpredictable if clearly off their heads on booze or drugs. What happens if one day someone leaves that communal door unlocked and they can get through into the halls, they could easily break into ours. If it was me and Chris only I wouldn't be nearly as concerned, but having Niamh makes me all protective! Seriously if I see them again there will be trouble (well of course that is mainly if I can make it down the stairs!).